Nyc Pilates Clubs Bayilik

Fitness&Spa& Wellness &Beauty & Nutrition &Sports Performance Coaching

As New York CITY Pilates Studios,
we would like to contribute to the wellbeing of all ladies and gentelmen living all around the world.We would like to contribute to the sports industry not only in one aspect but as a holistic approach business wise.We would like the sport lovers to be able to live on in the distinguished style they deserve and would like.

Set high standards for the personal training studios.
Emphasize the benefits of Personal Trainer concept.
Introduce the concept to the suburbans and countries.

Pilates is rising trend in all world due to its benefits for health. Its beneficial to phsical as well as mental health of the community.

World Health Organization suggest 150 minutes per week resistance training for sedentary population.

Its a complete system that cannot be compared any system that has all in one.
Turnkey system that you are always supported by the headquarters.

Business plan, marketing plan, technical trainings , all standarts are settled and controlled by our expert executive teams.

We have a 3 concept for Our Pilates Franhisee.
•    The aim for concept  I – II is to have a low budget, brand worthy and and highly prestigious pilates studio suitable for small investors.
•    Concept III is the aim of our concept is to have prestigious club for medium and large investors , regardless of the domestic or foreign sector that will pay off in the shortest time possible.
Concept III is has a cafee called as ‘New York City Fit Cofffee’ . We bring together taste and health in our menu recipes and offer you wonderfull tastes. Our aim is to provide you with maximum efficiency with nutrients suitable for sports nutrition and good for your body.

In our franchise system, we design every detail for you, from training and creating a know-how, to making a club from A to Z ready for sale.
Management Skills
•    World Class Fitness& Spa Management
•    Dinamic Management Skills
•    Effective Management Skills
Sales Trainings
•    Quantum Speed Sales
•    Double Up PT Members
•    Customer Relationship Management
Solution Partnership
•    Organization Analyse and Status Detection
•    Determine the Organization’s Progress
•    Preparing the Action Plan
•    Implementing the Action Plan
•    Re-evaluation the Results and Re-Organization
Facility Management
We are able to suggest:
•    Renting
•    Percentage of Revenue
•    Percentage of Profit
After the scrutiny feasibility research for your facility.
Organization Management
We are managing sport organizations in a large scale for:
•    Corporate Multinational Companies
•    Local Companies
•    Fitness Companies
•    Public Institutes
•    Educations Institutes
•    Would you like to open and manage a sports club?
•    What kind of facilities needed?
•    What size it should be?
•    Which equipment i should invest?
•    Which Offices i should offer?
•    What will be my staff cost?
•    Should i implement a swimming pool?
•    Should i also offer the Turkish hammam?
•    Project Plannimg and Engineering
•    Transformation Projects Management
•    Architecture and Design Solutions
•    Equipment
•    Solution Services